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Events, Arts & Culture Grant Program

This grant opportunity is intended to support Boulder events that enhance and enliven our community for visitors and residents alike. Please note that cultural and artistic experiences that connect with an audience are also considered within this framework. 

Application Deadline: 11:59pm, Sunday, February 11, 2024


Please contact to be added to the grant communication list.

Questions? Pease contact Emiliano Lake-Herrera at

The Events, Arts & Culutre Grant Program and Our Mission

The mission of Visit Boulder, the Convention and Visitors Bureau, is to strengthen the local economy by inspiring visitor connections to Boulder's vibrant landscape and unique culture. The Events, Arts & Culture Grant Program (EAC) has been designed and implemented to support the Boulder Sustainable Tourism Plan, which identifies economic, experiential, quality of life and infrastructure goals for the community. The EAC helps achieve these goals by investing in the development of new events, as well as the expansion of existing events, that identify with the Boulder brand for both visitors and residents. 

Create Boulder is a nonprofit that raises funds for artists and arts and culture organizations in Boulder, Colorado.  Their mission is to advocate for the arts, ignite investment in the arts and increase participation in the City of Boulder’s creative culture. To learn more, please visit