Boulder Named One of the Best Small Cities in the U.S.
That's According to National Geographic Traveler
Boulder made the list of 29 "Best Small Cities in the U.S.!" The National Geographic Traveler survey used distinctive, fun categories, including green spaces, coffee shops, live music and even Instagrammable moments, to determine the best cities list.
Boulder garnered the most superlatives of any city on the list, winning points for being Hipster Friendly (coffee shops, tattoo parlors, record shops, vintage stores), Musically Grooviest (music venues, live music, instrument stores), Most Caffeinated (coffee shops) and Sudsiest (breweries).
Explore these topics (and more) below to see for yourself.
Learn More About Boulder
Happiest City
“Happy places for locals are also rewarding places for travelers. Our index of small cities on the rise is based on unconventional metrics that we think produce happiness: green spaces, coffee shops, breweries, music venues, Instagrammable moments and puppies!” says George Stone, editor in chief of National Geographic Traveler.
Boulder was also named the Happiest City in the U.S. We invite you to come see why!
Easy to Get To
Boulder is centrally located in the U.S., so no matter where you are in the lower 48, the flight will likely come in under 2.5 hours (probably less time than you killed on social media this week, right?). And once you land, Boulder is just 45 minutes from Denver International Airport. Rent a car and cruise right on down the highway — no mountain roads to navigate and no high altitude to contend with since Boulder is located where the plains meet the mountains.
Top photo: Pedro Szekely/Flickr Creative Commons
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