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Top Spots for Boulder Wedding and Engagement Photos

Part of the fun of having a wedding in Boulder is all the amazing settings available for your photo sessions. Boulder's outdoor beauty and artistic expression can be the backdrop for some unforgettable portraits. Here are 9 fun ideas to share with your Boulder photographer for your engagement or wedding shot lists:

1. At Chautauqua Park in front of the majestic Flatirons mountains
Stick To Trails

With 300 miles of trails in the city, there’s no need to venture beyond designated paths. By sticking to the trails you help minimize the impact of the millions of visitors Boulder’s parks receive every year, reducing erosion and keep our wild spaces wild!

2. Beneath the iconic Boulder Theater marquee

Boulder Theater Wedding

3. Walking down the middle of historic downtown Pearl Street

Boulder Pearl Street Wedding

Photo: Jeff Gray Photography

4. Atop Sunrise Amphitheater overlooking all of Boulder Valley
Leave It As You Find It

Any of our 750 different species of wildflowers will live forever in a photo. Snap away, but only with a camera.

5. Among the rock outcroppings on Red Rocks Trail at The Peoples' Crossing
6. In front of the hundreds of colorfully painted murals throughout downtown Boulder
7. From Lost Gulch Overlook gazing west toward dramatic mountain peaks
8. On Varsity Bridge on the University of Colorado campus

Varsity Bridge & Lake in the fall

9. From Coot Lake, in northeast Boulder, taking panoramic views of Boulder’s foothills

Let Us Help

Expert assistance with venue selection, hotel bookings and more is complimentary. Feel free to contact us today!

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Fig Wirkler, Visit Boulder

Angela "Fig" Wirkler, CMP Vice President of Sales

Natalie Cutter

Natalie Cutter Group Sales Manager

Lindsey Rohrbaugh Headshot

Lindsey Rohrbaugh Group Sales Manager