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Board of Directors

Visit Boulder's Board of Directors represents Boulder businesses and stakeholders from the hospitality and restaurant sector, the arts and cultural community, attractions and experiences, University of Colorado Boulder, Downtown Boulder Partnership, Boulder City Council, City of Boulder Community Vitality and a local resident of Boulder who is not a member of the hospitality industry.

The Board will periodically invite other important liaisons and special guests to update the Board on their organization’s activities, foster positive working relationships and encourage open channels of communication in the community.

Board of Directors Members

Joseph Steiskal
The Hiltons on Canyon
Board Chair

Dan Dykstra
CU Conference Services
Past Chair

Tom McGann
University Of Colorado
Past Chair

Taishya Adams
City Council Representative

Terri Takata-Smith
Downtown Boulder Partnership Representative

Michael Benjamin
Boulder Resident Representative

Sheryl Cardozo
City of Boulder Arts Commission 

Kathy Beeck
Boulder International Film Festival

Sara Martinelli
Three Leaf Concepts

Aaron Coburn
St Julien Hotel & Spa

Joshua Baruch
Colorado Wilderness Rides and Guides

Josh Dinar
Working Title Food Group

Ex-Officio Members, Non-Voting

Jennifer Pinsonneault
Senior Program Manager, Economic Vitality
City of Boulder, City Manager's Office
Ex-Officio Member

Charlene Hoffman
Visit Boulder
Ex-Officio Member